It's a (White) Man's World

In the spirit of Oscar season, movies are rolling out every weekend in hopes to snatch up a nomination. Participating in the season by watching the latest features and gawking at all of the intriguing stories, it's hard to ignore the simple fact they all share: majority of them tell the story of a white man and his strife.

Laughable, it's ironic that these Academy-frontrunners fail to recognize the privilege of being a white male today. With the rise of 3rd wave feminism and growing outrage from the shootings of multiple black men, one would expect there to be more stories with dominant female and black roles. With hopes for Under the Skin and Selma to grabs some nods, it's another year of the praising the white man for his so-called "triumphs".

Stumbling upon The Bitch Pack while avoiding my studies, an informative video by Youtuber Jennifer Kessler explained the Bechdel Test and applied to it Oscar-nominated movies of 2011. Shocking yet true, it was unbelievable witnessing the lack of women relevance in major motion pictures even though lead female characters were included in half of them.

Even Chris Rock's captivating essay to the Hollywood Reporter reiterates the lack of representation in movies, years after integration. Highlighting key points about most of Hollywood auditioning for roles in upcoming movies and TV shows, prominent black actors and actresses weren't even considered for the part.

As a Black Woman, it is disheartening to remember the boundaries and obstacles set up to prevent future success. However, there is hope as more black and female writers, directors, and leaders rise together to break the glass ceiling and open a world of opportunities to generations to come. With steps in the right direction, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

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